Ground Water potential in West Bengal

July 8, 2023

West Bengal, located in eastern India, has diverse hydrogeological conditions that influence groundwater potential across different regions of the state. The availability and potential of groundwater in West Bengal can vary depending on factors such as geological formations, rainfall patterns, soil characteristics, and human activities.

Here are some key points regarding groundwater potential in West Bengal:

Alluvial Plains: The majority of West Bengal’s groundwater resources are found in the extensive alluvial plains formed by the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and other rivers. The alluvial aquifers in these regions are generally considered to have good groundwater potential.

Hard Rock Areas: Some areas of West Bengal, particularly in the southwestern part of the state (Purulia, Bankura, and parts of Birbhum districts), have hard rock formations. These areas generally have limited groundwater potential due to the low permeability of the rocks, making it challenging to extract significant quantities of groundwater.

Coastal Areas: The coastal regions of West Bengal, such as the Sundarbans delta, face unique challenges in groundwater availability due to the proximity to the sea and the presence of saline water intrusion. In these areas, freshwater aquifers are often limited, and groundwater potential may be reduced.

Rainfall Influence: The monsoon rainfall plays a crucial role in recharging groundwater in West Bengal. The state experiences a significant amount of rainfall during the monsoon season, which contributes to groundwater replenishment in the alluvial plains. Areas with higher rainfall generally have better groundwater potential.

Artificial Recharge: In recent years, the Government of West Bengal has been implementing measures for artificial groundwater recharge, such as construction of check dams, recharge wells, and watershed management projects. These initiatives aim to enhance groundwater potential in specific regions and mitigate water scarcity issues. It is important to note that groundwater potential can vary within different parts of West Bengal, and it is advisable to consult local hydrogeological studies and seek expert advice for specific locations or projects requiring detailed information on groundwater availability and sustainability.

It is important to note that groundwater potential can vary within different parts of West Bengal, and it is advisable to consult local hydrogeological studies and seek expert advice for specific locations or projects requiring detailed information on groundwater availability and sustainability.