June 30, 2023
During March 11-15, 2019, WB GW had arrange a 5-Days National-Level Training Course on “Spring Rejuvenation” under National Hydrology Project (NHP) . This training course included interesting lectures by very eminent scientists, hydrogeologists and spring experts along with interactions /panel discussions. Site visit to live springs on March 15, 2019 had been arranged where participants assessed the spring catchment demarcation etc.
Springs are vital and vulnerable sources of water supply in all the mountainous and hilly states of the north and east, and in mountainous areas of peninsula India. It is recognized the nature of springs is different across the country in terms of geology, climate and the state of development and water stress. Hence it is very important to understand the Spring Hydrology with reference to the following : Assessment, Monitoring ,Management and Rejuvenation of Springs.